Texas is the southern state that doesn’t claim to be Southern. It comes with big trucks, “y’all”s, and sweet pork BBQs. Most Texans self identify as a “Texan” before anything else. Texas has a deep-felt loyalty by everyone who has ever lived in the state. And, who can forget the great saying, “Everything is bigger in Texas.”
However, is everything bigger in Texas? Are the crimes bigger in Texas? We’re going to take an inside look at the Texas crime rate and dissect whether Texas is a safe state, or whether the crimes are bigger in Texas.

What Makes a Safe State?
There’s no such thing as a 100 percent safe state. In every city in the United States, there is always a small chance of crime. Often the chance of crime is less than 1 in 100,000. Typically states with low chances of crime are deemed safer than those states with a high likelihood of crime. How do we determine the chance of crime in a city or state?
The FBI reports crime statistics every year called “The FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics.” these crime statistics create a picture for every state, revealing how often crimes occur in the largest cities to the smallest outback towns. The incidents are reported as “the number of crimes per 100,000 people.”
In order to calculate the number of crimes per 100,000 people, the FBI records the total number of crimes in an area and then divides that number by the population in that same area. To ensure that the crime statistics are uniform across all cities and states, the FBI multiples the final number by 100,000. This gives a simple, uniform number that allows us to compare the crime rate in a small town to the crime rate of the nation. After finding the crime rate, how do you know if the crime rate is safe or dangerous?
The FBI creates a national crime rate that is used as a baseline for the rest of the country. If a state has a crime rate that is higher than the national average, the city is considered to be more dangerous. If a city has a lower crime rate than the national average, the city is considered safe. To calculate the national crime rate, the FBI splits the crime rate into two categories: violent crime and property crime.
According to the National Institue of Justice, violent crime includes rape, sexual assault, aggravated assault, robbery, nonnegligent manslaughter, and murder. Although many crimes are included as violent crime, the numbers that are recorded by the FBI reflect only murder, rape, robbery, and assault (the most common violent crimes). The national violent crime rate is 382.9 violent crimes per 100,000 people. The national crime rate can be broken down into specific crimes:
- National Murder Rate: 5 murders per 100,000
- National Rape Rate: 43 rapes per 100,000
- National Robbery Rate: 86 robberies per 100,000
- National Assault Rate: 247 assaults per 100,000

The National Institute of Justice defines property crime as burglary, theft, arson, vandalism, and car theft. Although a variety of crimes are included as property crimes, only burglary theft, and motor vehicle theft are recorded and shared by the FBI. The national average property crime is 2,362.2 property crimes per 100,000. The national property crime rate can be broken into specific crimes:
- National Burglary Rate: 376 burglaries per 100,000
- National Theft Rate: 1595 thefts per 100,000
- National Motor Vehicle Theft Rate: 229 Motor Vehicle thefts per 100,000
By comparing state crime in Texas to the national average crime rates, we can determine whether Texas is considered a safe state or a dangerous state. Before we compare Texas to the national average crime rate, it’s important to recognize that every state has extremely dangerous cities and extremely safe cities. A state’s crime rate shows how many dangerous cities there are compared to safe cities. For example, if a state’s crime rate is close to the national average, the state has a fairly equal mix of safe and dangerous cities. The crime rate of a state does not mean that every city in the state is dangerous.
Texas Violent Crime Rate
Texas has a violent crime rate of 411 violent crimes per 100,000 people. The violent crime rate in Texas is only slightly above the national average. Every year, there are 117,927 violent crimes reported to the police. Although this may sound like a high number, we have to remember that Texas has the second-highest population of any state in the United States (California has the highest with 38.5 million people). Texas has a population of 28.7 million.
The Texas violent crime rates for recorded crimes are:
- Texas Murder Rate: 5 murders per 100,000
- Texas Rape Rate: 51 rapes per 100,000
- Texas Robbery Rate: 98 robberies per 100,000
- Texas Assault Rate: 257 assaults per 100,000
For most crimes, Texas is comparable to the national average. Texas has the same number of murders in a year as the national average. For the other recorded violent crimes, Texas remains only slightly above the national average—17.3 percent higher. This makes Texas only slightly more dangerous than the national average when comparing violent crimes.

Texas Property Crime Rate
The Texas property crime rate is 2,367 property crimes per 100,000 people. The Texas property crime is almost a perfect match for the national average (only 4 crimes off). This doesn’t mean that Texas is a safe state; however, it does mean that Texas is an incredibly average state. The property crime in Texas can be separated into specific crimes:
- Texas Burglary Rate: 411 burglaries per 100,000
- Texas Theft Rate: 1,713 thefts per 100,000
- Texas Motor Vehicle Theft Rate: 243 car thefts per 100,000
The Texas burglary rate is higher than average, though not by much. So far, Texas is fairly average in all crimes. This would suggest that the state isn’t necessarily dangerous, though it also isn’t safe.
Texas Police Force
The Texas police force has been scrutinized for having too many police members. There are 73,000 sworn police in Texas, roughly one police for every 330 people. There are also 1,913 law enforcement agencies, which is more than any other state. According to the FBI page on Police Employee Data, there are 2.4 police officers per 1,000 citizens throughout the United States.
However, many of the Texan police are private members that protect private agencies. There are only 54,000 police employed directly by the state. With 54,000 police members, Texas has the third-highest number of police (California has the most, followed by New York).

Most Dangerous Cities in Texas
Every state has dangerous cities. Homeowners, residents, and visitors should try to stay away from cities that record abnormally high crime rates. If you need to enter a dangerous city, make sure that you know where you’re going. In Texas, there are five cities that make residents lock their doors, bar their windows, and arm their home security systems every moment of every day. Here are the 10 most dangerous cities in Texas:
1. Bellmead Crime Rate
Bellmead, according to the FBI crime reports of texas cities, is the number one most dangerous city in Texas. Although some areas of Bellmead might be more dangerous than others, Bellmead as a whole takes its place as number one. The violent crime rate in Bellmead is 1,279 violent crimes per 100,000 people, nearly 4 times higher than the national average. There is a 1 in 78 chance of becoming a victim of violent crime in Bellmead.
The crime rates for specific violent crimes are:
- Bellmead Murder Rate: 0.0 murders per 100,000
- Bellmead Rape Rate: 121 rapes per 100,000
- Bellmead Robbery Rate: 103 robberies per 100,000
- Bellmead Assault Rate: 1,055 assaults per 100,000
Bellmead has one of the highest rates of assault in the United States, with nearly five times more incidents of assault than average. Rape is also scarily common in this city, making it unsafe for residents to travel alone at night without some sort of personal protection—pepper spray or personal alarm.
The Bellmead property crime rate is 6,122 property crimes per 100,000 people. The property crime rate in Bellmead is three times higher than the national average, giving residents a 1 in 16 chance of becoming victims of property crime.
The crime rates for specific violent crimes are:
- Bellmead Burglary Rate: 719 burglaries per 100,000
- Bellmead Theft Rate: 5,030 thefts per 100,000
- Bellmead Motor Vehicle Theft Rate: 373 car thefts per 100,000
Although you’re not likely to be a victim of motor vehicle theft in Bellmead, you are likely to be burglarized or become a victim of theft. Residents of Bellmead should take precautions to protect themselves from property crime. One of the best ways for Bellmead residents to protect their homes and families is to install a home security system.

2. Humble Crime Rate
In the city of Humble, Texas, there is nothing humble about the crime rate. Humble as the second-highest crime rate in Texas, and for a good reason. The violent crime rate in Humble is 948, three times higher than the national average.
The specific crime rates for violent crimes are:
- Humble Murder Rate: 12 murders per 100,000
- Humble Rape Rate: 281 rapes per 100,000
- Humble Robbery Rate: 349 robberies per 100,000
- Humble Assault Rate: 305 assaults per 100,000
Humble is concerning for several reasons. Humble has a surprisingly high number of rapes and an uncharacteristically low number of assaults (assaults are typically the highest reported crime). This makes Humble a hard-to-predict town.
The property crime rate in Humble is really what earned the city it’s number two spot on the list. The property crime rate is 10,037 property crimes per 100,000 people. Residents have a 1 in 10 chance of becoming victims of property crime in Humble.
The specific crime rates for property crimes are:
- Humble Burglary Rate: 966 burglaries per 100,000
- Humble Theft Rate: 7,786 thefts per 100,000
- Humble Motor Vehicle Theft Rate: 1,284 car thefts per 100,000
While in Humble, there’s a fair chance that you will be a victim of burglary, theft, or car theft. Some assume that the high property crime is due to the city’s proximity to the large international airport. However, regardless of why the crime rate in this city is high, keep your belongings close, don’t leave your car unattended, and lock your doors.

3. Houston Crime Rate
Houston is the largest city in Texas. Not surprisingly, Houston is also one of the most dangerous cities in Texas. Houston has a population of 2.31 million people and has crime rates to match the high population. The violent crime rate is 1,046 violent crimes per 100,000 people.
The specific crime rates for violent crimes are:
- Houston Murder Rate: 12 murders per 100,000
- Houston Rape Rate: 57 rapes per 100,000
- Houston Robbery Rate: 379 robberies per 100,000
- Houston Assault Rate: 598 assaults per 100,000
While in Houston, residents have a 1 in 96 chance of becoming a victim of violent crime. Violent crime in Houston is one of the biggest concerns for police and upstanding residents. The assault rate and murder rate are abnormally high. The murder rate is twice as high as the national average, making it unsafe for residents to walk in the city alone at night.
The property crime rate in Houston is 4,125 property crimes per 100,000 people, meaning that residents have a 1 in 21 chance of becoming a victim of property crime.
The specific crime rates for property crimes are:
- Houston Burglary Rate: 710 burglaries per 100,000
- Houston Theft Rate: 2,897 thefts per 100,000
- Houston Motor Vehicle Theft Rate: 518 car thefts per 100,000
While living in Houston, there is a high likelihood that your home could be targeted by burglars. Due to the high rates of burglary (nearly double the national average), it’s important than homeowners work to protect their homes. Installing outdoor lighting, smart security equipment, and locking your doors can help prevent your home from becoming a target.

4. Bastrop Crime Rate
Bastrop is the fourth most dangerous Texas city. The city is located south-east of Austin and has a population of 9,429 people. Per 100,000 people, the violent crime rate is 1,038 violent crimes.
The specific crime rates for violent crimes are:
- Bastrop Murder Rate: 0 murders per 100,000
- Bastrop Rape Rate: 64 rapes per 100,000
- Bastrop Robbery Rate: 85 robberies per 100,000
- Bastrop Assault Rate: 850 assaults per 100,000
Bastrop stands out with the number of assaults reported in the city. Although a majority of the crime rates are fairly average, the assault rate is nearly four times greater than the national average. There is a 1 in 99 chance of becoming a victim of violent crime in Bastrop.
Property crime is also fairly common in Bastrop. The property crime rate in this city is 4,130 per 100,000, meaning that the residents are no strangers to property crime. There is a 1 in 24 chance of becoming a victim of property crime in Bastrop.
The specific crime rates for property crimes are:
- Bastrop Burglary Rate: 383 burglaries per 100,000
- Bastrop Theft Rate: 3,471 thefts per 100,000
- Bastrop Motor Vehicle Theft Rate: 276 car thefts per 100,000
The most common property crime, by far, in Bastrop, is theft. Theft alone makes up a large majority of the city’s crime rate. To prevent becoming a victim of theft while in Bastrop, residents should take precautions, such as carrying theft-proof bags and zippered clothing.

5. Corpus Cristi Crime Rate
Corpus Cristi is a fairly polarized town as far as crime goes. The city has several extremely safe areas, such as Tierra Grande, and several very dangerous areas, such as the city center. Simply because Corpus Cristi ranks as the fifth most dangerous city, doesn’t mean that the city as a whole is dangerous. While visiting or living in Corpus Cristi, you should be safe as long as you stay away from high crime locations. Corpus Cristi is one of the largest cities in Texas, guaranteeing that there will be safe areas mixed with dangerous areas.
The violent crime rate in Corpus Cristi is 817 violent crimes per 100,000 people, double the national average. The specific crime rates for violent crimes are:
- Corpus Cristi Murder Rate: 7 murders per 100,000
- Corpus Cristi Rape Rate: 91 rapes per 100,000
- Corpus Cristi Robbery Rate: 159 robberies per 100,000
- Corpus Cristi Assault Rate: 591 assaults per 100,000
The property crime rate in Corpus Cristi is 3,715. The specific crime rates for property crimes are:
- Corpus Cristi Burglary Rate: 676 burglaries per 100,000
- Corpus Cristi Theft Rate: 2,767 thefts per 100,000
- Corpus Cristi Motor Vehicle Theft Rate: 282 car thefts per 100,000
While in Corpus Cristi, you’re unlikely to become a victim of car theft. However, you are extremely likely to become a victim of theft or burglary. Most attribute the high rates of theft to the beach areas, where purses and bags are commonly stolen while the victim plays in the water. Burglary, on the other hand, is simply higher than average. Homeowners should consider investing in a home security system to protect their belongings while away from the house.

Safest Big Cities in Texas
Some of the most dangerous cities are large cities. However, in Texas, many of the large cities are safer than the small towns. To show the other side of Texas, the safe side, we’ve found the three safest cities in Texas. These cities have large populations with low crime rates.
1. El Paso Texas Crime Rate
El Paso is the number one safest large city in Texas. It has a population of 682,669 people and yet is one of the safest cities we could find. The violent crime rate in El Paso is 379 violent crimes per 100,000 people, almost exactly average. The odds of becoming a victim of violent crime in El Paso is 1 in 264. The property crime rate is 1,570 property crimes per 100,000 people, which is half the national average. The odds of becoming a victim of property crime in El Paso are 1 in 64. El Paso is an incredibly safe place to live.
2. Austin Texas Crime Rate
Austin, Texas, is the second safest city. The city has a population of nearly a million people, 964,254, to be exact. The city is known to be the “Northern Californa” of Texas. It has an accepting, open-minded population and is the live music capital of the world. In the midst of the city’s fame, it is also incredibly safe. According to the Austin crime report, the city has a violent crime rate of 391 violent crimes per 100,000 people.
Thanks to the comprehensive police department of Austin, crime maps of Austin are mostly complete. The Austin crime map is a map dedicated to crime awareness. The map shows when, where, and what with Austin crime. One of the best places to find a complete Austin crime map is CrimeSpot.com.

3. Dallas Texas Crime Rate
The Dallas crime rate ensures that Dallas ranks as the third safest big city in Texas. Dallas has a violent crime rate of 776 violent crimes per 100,000 people, meaning that there is a 1 in 129 chance of becoming a victim of violent crime. The property crime rate in Dallas is 3,357 property crimes per 100,000 people. Dallas’s overall crime rates are fairly average. However, crime mapping of the neighborhoods in Dallas reveals that a majority of Dallas is incredibly safe (then skewed by the city center’s high crime rate). Crime mapping in Dallas allows residents to find a complete Dallas crime map. A good crime map for Dallas can be found at NeighborhoodScout.com.
Is Texas Safe?
Is Texas Safe? Yes. Texas is a safe state, which means that not everything is bigger in Texas. Although the trucks, BBQs, and gas stations (Buc-ee’s) might be bigger, the crime rates are fairly low. Before choosing a place to live in Texas, check with the local police station to ask about the crime rates in the area. You can also lookup a crime map of the neighborhood to make sure that you’re choosing a safe place to live. You will be able to crime a crime map of San Antonio, Houston, or Corpus Cristi.
Texas is a great place to live. For added protection, use a home security system to protect your home and to give your family greater peace of mind.