Nearly every large city experiences higher crime rates, when compared to your average small town. This article will take an inside look at Denver, Colorado, to determine whether Denver is a safe place to live, and how residents can protect against crime.

Is Denver a Safe City?
Answer: Denver is slightly more dangerous than the average city.
Denver, Colorado, is famously known as the “mile-high” city, located above 5,690 feet above sea level. Denver is home to a population of 619,918 people. As the largest city in Colorado, Denver also sees a fair share of crime. So, how safe is Denver?
To calculate how “safe” an area is, we have to look at the crime rates. Crime rates are divided into violent crimes and property crimes. Violent crimes include crimes that inflict physical or mental harm on another person, including murder, assault, manslaughter, sexual assault, rape, robbery, kidnapping, and harassment. These crimes are mostly considered felonies, resulting in over one year in prison time.
According to the National Institute of Justice, property crime includes burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, and vandalism. When recording crime rates on the official record, the violent crimes taken into account include murder, rape, robbery, and assault. The property crimes included are burglary, theft, and car theft.
To compare crime rates, we use the national average crime rate. The national average crime rate is a number created by the FBI; it is the average total of crimes across the entire nation. If a city has a crime rate that is higher than the national average, the area is considered dangerous. If a city has a crime rate that is lower than the national average, the area is considered safer than average.
The national average violent crime rate is 382 violent crimes per 100,000 people. When broken down into the crime rates for murder, rape, robbery, and assault, the FBI reports the following numbers:
- National Murder Rate: 5 murders per 100,000
- National Rape Rate: 43 rapes per 100,000
- National Robbery Rate: 86 robberies per 100,000
- National Assault Rate: 247 assaults per 100,000

The national average property crime rate is 2,362 property crimes per 100,000 people. The property crime rates for burglary, theft, and car theft are:
- National Burglary Rate: 376 burglaries per 100,000
- National Theft Rate: 1,595 thefts per 100,000
- National Car Theft Rate: 229 car thefts per 100,000
So, how does this compare to Denver? Denver has a total crime rate of 4,402 crimes per 100,000 people, which is 71 percent higher than the national average. The Denver violent crime rate is 730 violent crimes per 100,000 people. The violent crime rate in Denver is 92 percent higher than the national average. The crime rates for murder, rape, robbery, and assault are:
- Denver Murder Rate: 9 murders per 100,000
- Denver Rape Rate: 99 rapes per 100,000
- Denver Robbery Rate: 168 robberies per 100,000
- Denver Assault Rate: 453 assaults per 100,000
The Denver property crime rate is 67 percent higher than the national average. The property crime rate is 3,672 property crimes per 100,000 people. The property crime rates for burglary, theft, and car theft are:
- Denver Burglary Rate: 376 burglaries per 100,000
- Denver Theft Rate: 1,595 thefts per 100,000
- Denver Car Theft Rate: 229 car thefts per 100,000
So, is Denver a dangerous place to live? Denver’s crime rates are higher than the national average, suggesting that some parts of Denver are extremely dangerous. However, simply because the crime rate of a city is high, doesn’t mean that every block of the city is dangerous. In fact, most high violent crime areas within a city are confined to a few blocks. If a person can avoid walking alone in the most dangerous parts of the city, they may be able to avoid violent crime. However, property crimes in cities are widely dispersed, meaning that if an area has a high property crime rate, all people in the city should prepare against property crime, especially those living in more dangerous neighborhoods.

What Are the Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Denver?
Answer: The top five most dangerous neighborhoods in Denver are mostly located near the center of the city.
Knowing which neighborhoods are most dangerous in your area can help you avoid crime. The top five most dangerous neighborhoods in Denver are:
1. Five Points
The most dangerous neighborhood in Denver is Five Points. Five Points has 243 percent more crime than the average crime rate in the city of Denver itself. Both violent crime and property crime rates are significantly higher than average. The total crime rate in Five Points is 12,019 crimes per 100,000 people. There is a 1 in 8 chance that a resident of Five Points will become a victim of either violent crime or property crime. The violent crime rate is 2,501 violent crimes per 100,000 people, meaning that there is a 1 in 39 chance of becoming a victim of violent crime. The property crime rate in Five Points is stunningly high and is one of Colorado’s highest property crime rates. The property crime rate in Five Points is 9,518 property crimes per 100,00 people. There is a 1 in 10 chance that a resident of Five Points will experience property crime.
Those living in Five Points should take every precaution to protect themselves from crime. Installing home security, smart home automation, and by carrying personal protection (such as pepper spray or personal alarms) can help residents stay safe while living in this dangerous neighborhood. Because the crime rate in Five Points is 366 percent higher than the national average, residents should take extreme care to prevent burglary and other crimes.
2. City Park
Located in central Denver, City Park is the second most dangerous neighborhood in the city of Denver. City Park’s crime rates are 255 percent higher than the national average, making City Park a dangerous place to live. Residents of City Park have a 1 in 11 chance of becoming a victim of either property crime or violent crime. According to the crime reports from the City Park area, there are 287 percent more violent crimes than the national average. There are 1,474 violent crimes per 100,000 people, making it fairly likely that a person will experience violent crime while living in City Park. The property crime rate is 7,697 property crimes per 100,000 people, meaning that there is a 1 in 12 that a resident will see property crime while living in this area.
Although City Park is dangerous, it is possible to stay safe while living in suspicious neighborhoods. Because the most common crimes in City Park are theft and burglary, it’s possible to avoid becoming a victim of these crimes. Many of the residents of City Park live in apartment complexes and overlook the benefit of using a security system to protect their apartment. Using a burglar alarm can drastically reduce the chances of becoming a target of burglary.

3. Capitol Hill
Capitol Hill is the third most dangerous neighborhood in Denver. The total number of crimes in Capitol Hill is 9,097 crimes per 100,000 people, meaning that those living in this area have a 1 in 11 chance of experiencing either violent crime or property crime. The violent crime rate in Capitol Hill is 1,460 violent crimes per 100,000 people. The most common violent crime is assault. The property crime rate is 7,637 property crimes per 100,000 people. Those living in Capitol Hill have a 1 in 12 chance of experiencing property crime.
Capitol Hill is one of the most dangerous places to live in the Denver metro area. Homeowners, renters, and residents should be careful about where they walk alone at night. AreaVibes conducted a poll asking residents of Capitol Hill to answer a question. The question was, “How safe do you feel walking alone at night in Capitol Hill?” Of those who responded, 50 percent said, “Not safe at all. I never walk alone at night.”
4. Central West Denver
The fourth most dangerous neighborhood in Denver is Central West Denver. Central West Denver has a population of 50,000 people and has a total crime rate of 6,150 crimes per 100,000 people. The total crime rate is 138 percent higher than the national average. The violent crime rate in Central West Denver is 1,258 violent crimes per 100,000 people, meaning that there is a 1 in 79 chance of becoming a victim of violent crime. The violent crime rate is 231 percent higher than the national average. The property crime rate in Central West Denver is 4,892 property crimes per 100,000 people. Residents of Central West Denver have a 1 in 20 chance of becoming a victim of property crime and the property crime rate in Central West Denver is 122 percent higher than the national average.
Although crime is common in Central West Denver, it’s easy to stay safe if the residents are careful. First of all, residents of Central West Denver should avoid traveling alone at night. Since assault is a fairly common violent crime, residents should stick to well-traveled areas and always travel in a group at night. Property crime and burglary are also common, which stresses the importance of home security in Central West Denver.
5. Northern Denver
The final neighborhood on our list is Northern Denver. Northern Denver has a total crime rate of 5,011 crimes per 100,000 people, which is 94 percent higher than the national average. The violent crime rate in Northern Denver is 1,048 violent crimes per 100,000 people. According to the recorded violent crime rate, residents have a 1 in 95 chance of becoming a victim of violent crime. The property crime rate in Northern Denver is 3,963 property crimes per 100,000 people, meaning that those living in Northern Denver have a 1 in 25 chance of becoming a victim of property crime.
Although Northern Denver reports high crime rates, it’s important to remember that not every block within the neighborhood is dangerous. Northern Denver has a population of 25,500 people, and many of the high crime blocks are concentrated for specific neighborhoods within Northern Denver. Residents of Northern Denver can stay safe by avoiding these high crime areas.

Can Home Security Stop Criminals?
Answer: Yes, a home security system can stop a criminal from targeting your home.
Home security systems include a wide variety of devices meant to protect your home. The question is: Do they really work? In Denver, a person is more likely to become a victim of property crime than violent crime. In fact, Denver residents have a 1 in 27 chance of becoming a victim of property crime and a 1 in 136 chance of becoming a victim of violent crime. Protecting against property crime is fairly easy if using the right methods.
According to a study titled “Understanding Decisions to Burglarize From the Offender’s Perspective,” conducted by The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, most burglars are motivated by a need for drugs. When a burglar chooses a place to target, they look for a home or apartment that is easy to break into. Because most burglars are desperate for money in order to buy the drugs they need, they avoid homes that use excessive protection methods. According to the study, “About 60% of the burglars indicated that the presence of an alarm would cause them to seek an alternative target altogether.” It also reported, “Most burglars would try to determine if an alarm was present before attempting a burglary. Among those that determined that an alarm was present after initiating a burglary, about half would discontinue the attempt.”
The study also suggests that a few other things will deter a burglar from targeting a specific home or apartment: “Close proximity of other people (including traffic, those walking nearby, neighbors, people inside the establishment, and police officers), lack of escape routes, and indicators of increased security (alarm signs, alarms, dogs inside, and outdoor cameras or other surveillance equipment) was considered by most burglars when selecting a target.”

This suggests that it is entirely possible to deter burglars from targeting your home while living in the Denver Metro Area. The most suggested way to deter a burglar is by installing a home security system. Home security systems have been tried and proven to deter burglars. By increasing the security measures around the home’s perimeter, the homeowner shows the burglar that the area is well-protected. Rather than attempt to burglarize a well-protected home, most burglars will choose an easier target.
Home security often includes other home automation devices such as a security camera, motion detector, night vision alarm, and a door and window sensor. Each security alarm is meant to protect an area of your home. For example, a motion sensor can be placed just inside the front door. If a burglar is able to somehow bypass the first alarm, the motion sensor will be ready to trigger.
The installation of a camera (either outdoor or indoor) will add essential monitoring protection. One of the most important benefits of having at least one camera is that the camera offers you the power of monitoring. Monitoring can either be done through the home security provider (called professional monitoring) or done through a connected mobile app on your cell phone (called remote monitoring). Either monitoring service will connect you with better security, ensuring that there is always someone ready to respond if your alarm is triggered.
From a monitoring burglary system to a simple motion detector, having an alarm company to help protect your home is a must-have in Denver. The burglary rates in Denver, Colorado, are 147 percent higher than the national average, with over 3,982 burglar cases each year. Victims of burglary often lose over $3,000 in the ten-minute crime, and many victims struggle to feel safe in their homes after a burglar incident. Luckily, installing a simple home security device can prevent burglars from targeting your home.

Which Home Security System is Best for Denver Residents?
Answer: Cove Security offers the best and most affordable option for Denver residents.
Choosing the right home alarm company can be hard, since there are hundreds of options to choose from. Denver residents should look for a variety of qualities in their home security system. To help homeowners, renters, and business owners get the most out of their monitoring service, here is exactly what you need to look for in a Denver alarm company.
1. Fast Response Time
The first thing that a Denver homeowner should look for in an alarm company is fast response times. The average time for a burglar is ten minutes, meaning that from start to finish, the burglar can take everything they need from the house in ten minutes. This stresses the importance of having an alarm company that can alert the local police department within seconds of the initial alarm.
2. Great Reviews
The second most important thing for a Denver homeowner to look for is great reviews. When a home security company sports good reviews, it speaks highly of the customer service and product quality. If a company has reviews that are higher than 4.5 stars out of five, you can expect great things.
3. Customizable
Every home is unique, meaning that every alarm system should also be unique. When looking for an alarm system, Denver residents should focus their attention on companies that are flexible. Typically, for those living in Denver, avoiding professional installation and opting for DIY installation end up being the better choice. DIY systems are typically more user-friendly and flexible than those that require professional installation.

4. Inexpensive
Home security doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, some of the highest-rated home alarm companies offer quality equipment and professional monitoring for a reasonable price. If an alarm company attempts to charge over $30 a month for professional monitoring, you know you’re being cheated. Instead, look for more reasonably priced alarm companies that brag about their high customer reviews.
5. Professional and Remote Monitoring
Although ranked as number five, this aspect is just as important as the others. Your home alarm system needs to have both professional and remote monitoring. Professional monitoring ensures that there is always someone paying attention to your home alarm system, while remote monitoring allows you to personally be notified of and check on what is happening in your home.
These five qualities can be found in Cove Security. Cove has one of the fastest response times in the nation (ranking as ten times faster than its competition) and has a rating of 4.9 stars on their Google Reviews. With over 95 percent positive reviews, Cove is one of the highest-ranked alarm companies in the nation. One review says, “I am feeling so much safer now that I have this system.” And many others praise the simplicity and ease of installing the Cove alarm system. Cove is also entirely customizable, allowing you, the customer, to pick and choose which devices are most important for your home.
Cove offers its services for only $15 a month, ensuring that customers can easily afford a premium service. Cove Security is one of the best systems available on the market for Denver homeowners. To learn more about Cove Security, contact a Cove representative today.