Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between DIY and Traditional Home Security?

There are two fundamental differences between traditional home security and DIY home security. The first is the need for a service technician and the second is long term service agreements.

When most people think of home security, they most likely think of involving a big name security company that will send a professional technician out to their home for a complex and often expensive system. This process would require several hours of running wires, drilling holes, and setting up intrusive equipment.

Cove is striving to change the way that people think about and view home security by providing a unique contrast to the more traditional security approach. How is Cove’s DIY Security System different?

The answer is simple, we remove the two most expensive and potentially negative aspects of home security, and provide you with equipment that effectively protects your home and family. Being completely wireless, our system requires no special tools, long connective wires, or training to install. This means we don’t have to schedule a technician to come out and visit your home. You can rest easy knowing that instead of scheduling an appointment with a tech that may be weeks away, you can have your system installed and ready to use a few short days after ordering. You also don’t have to take an entire day off of work for the installation process. Instead, a simple 30 minute self installation will get your home protected without the headache.

On top of the ease of installation, we have removed the long service agreement or contract that is also common in the industry. Now it is easier than ever to get a security system without damaging your home and without being locked into an expensive five year service agreement.

What equipment does Cove Offer?

Cove offers simple, non-intrusive, security equipment that is wireless and easy to install.

The DIY home security system equipment offered includes:

  • The Alarm Panel: a touch screen panel that communicates to all of your devices and reports to our operating center via cellular communication for an effective and secure connection.
  • Door and Window Sensors: a two part device which placed upon a door or window will signal your panel in the event your door or window is opened.
  • Glass Break Sensor: a small, high intensity, microphone which detects the distinct frequency of glass shattering. Designed to alert your system in the event of a broken window or glass door.
  • Motion Detector: an infrared light based detector which will monitor open spaces and regulate unnatural movement within your home.
  • Smoke and CO Detector: a highly sensitive device that will detect the presence of smoke or high density dust particles. As well as detect the presence of Carbon Monoxide which is undetectable to humans and can be deadly.

What Security Equipment is Right for My Home?

We understand that not every home is the same which means every home must be protected using different equipment. This is why Cove has designed a system which perfectly adapts to your needs. Our array of equipment allows you to equip your home with no more and no less than what is needed so you are not overburdened with too much or left with too little.

Best home security practices recommend that you address a variety of threats to your home that protect you against natural and unnatural attacks. The DIY security equipment includes: door sensors, window sensors, glass break detectors, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, medical alert buttons, flood and motion sensors, and remote activation key fobs. Choosing what is right for your home begins with protecting your ground level.

Protecting the Ground level:

The reason protecting your ground level should be your priority is due to the fact most burglars will use these doors and windows to gain access to your home. By setting up a good perimeter security, you will ensure that the most common existential threats are addressed. Making sure that your doors and windows are covered will see that your alarm protects you from most burglars if they attempt to break into your home.

Protecting a second floor or basement:

Any door or window is a potential access point for a burglar and the proper steps should always be taken to protect your home. It is also another great way to ensure no one is sneaking in or out of the home during the night. (Humorous to think about, we know, but for anyone with teenagers will understand)

Protecting your home from harm:

Next, you will want to ensure that your home is safe from fire. Several important rooms that are vulnerable to fires include the kitchen, furnace room, and any family room which may have a large heater or fireplace. All of these rooms are at higher risk of fire and having a device that will not only alert anyone inside the home, but alert the fire department as well, can save you precious time that would otherwise be lost.

Along with fire detection, CO or Carbon Monoxide detection is another crucial element of home protection that is often overlooked. Since CO is naturally undetectable to the natural human senses, it can easily go unnoticed, and cause detrimental harm and death in some cases. With more modern appliances relying on natural gas as fuel, CO is a more common danger in most modern homes. Placing a CO detector in your central rooms, as well as any gas operated appliance, will add a level of protection most homes do not have.

Finally, the simple addition of flood sensors to laundry rooms, bathrooms, and under kitchen sinks, will help you avoid the damage which can be caused by a sudden leaky or broken pipe. Water damage is not only costly to repair, but it can lead to mold or create moist environments that welcome insects or rodents.

Ensure complete resident safety:

Home security always has and always will be primarily focused on ensuring the wellbeing of any home’s residence. As much as you are trying to protect your property, ensuring the safety of your family is certainly the top priority. Everyone needs a little help from time to time and the elderly or disabled are no exception. Cove’s medical alert pendant makes emergency services available at the touch of a button. These simple buttons can be worn as bracelets or necklaces and at the touch of a button will alert the monitoring station that medical assistance is needed. No matter where you are in the home, you can always get the help you need.

How do I determine the number of sensors to order?

Door and window sensors use the same device and can be used interchangeably. These devices are designed for one simple task; trigger an alarm if a door or window is opened when it should have been. A door sensor should be placed on every door which grants access to your home. Most homes have a front, back, and garage door. Ensuring that these major points of access are secure is considered the first step in setting up a basic home security system.

Window sensors do not need to be placed on every window; however, windows on the ground floor of your home can all be targets for burglars. To make full use of your security system, ensuring that all potential access points a burglar can use to enter your home are secure is recommended.

Rooms with a single window, including bedrooms, are great places for window sensors. Any rooms with multiple windows can be covered using a glass break sensor. This will reduce the total number of sensors needed while ensuring maximum protection.

Using door, window, and glass break sensors are a great way to prevent an intruder from entering your home unnoticed.

Also, you are most likely interested in including Cove’s other security equipment like our smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and flood sensors. Here are some basic guidelines and tips that can help you make the most informed decision regarding what you will need for your home.

Since most state and local laws already require that all buildings and homes have smoke detectors in every room, you most likely have dozens of the devices around. This may beg the question, what would be the purpose and benefit of installing a smart smoke detector?

First, the Cove smoke detector is directly connected to the alarm panel and can alert the fire department of an emergency at the same time it alerts you and your family to the danger. This way, you can focus on ensuring you and your family are safe, and Cove can take care of contacting the fire department.

Secondly, our smoke detectors have a built in CO detector for increased security. Carbon Monoxide (CO) is the silent killer and with modern homes using more natural gas appliances than ever, CO leaks are more common. You can add a level of precaution to your home by placing a Smoke and CO detector by gas powered appliances such as your water heater, a kitchen stove, or gas lit fireplace. Placing a smoke detector in rooms such as the kitchen, living room, furnace room, and large open spaces will help grant you the most coverage.

Do I need indoor and outdoor Security Cameras?

Like most who install security systems, you are most likely wondering about getting a camera or two. Not only is it a great way to keep an eye on children and pets when you are away; but it is an amazing tool that can let you see your home anywhere you are, right from the palm of your hand.

The Cove Smart App is available for both apple and android devices and will let you monitor your system and access your cove cameras wherever you’re connected to the internet. Pretty Neat!

Is it difficult to install Cove’s security system?

Cove security products were designed for simplicity. The system is completely wireless, removing any need for running wires or using special tools. You can set up the system in minutes. Special adhesives are added to the back of sensors which allow you to peel and stick them to any door or window. Larger devices like motion detectors, smoke alarms, or CO detectors can be secured to the walls or ceiling with an additional screw to ensure they stay in place. But most importantly, the panel can be simply set up on a table or stuck to the wall near a power outlet. Once you set up the sensors, you can plug in the system, and you’re practically ready to go

How long will it take me to set up the Cove security system?

The average individual can set up a new security system in under 30 minutes. It’s that easy. For those who may have more sensors or a larger home, it may take a bit longer to place the sensors.

To make installation faster and easier, take a bit of time to think about where you want to set up the system before you take the equipment out of the box. Knowing which doors and windows will have sensors, which walls or ceilings will be fitted with detectors, and where you might be putting those flood sensors, will save you more time than anything else.

If you are interested in learning about the optimal locations for any of our devices, check out the product pages which will give you information and diagrams to help you make an educated decision.

What do I do if I have difficulty setting up a Cove device?

If you find that you are having a hard time setting up the system, no worries. Cove is here to help! Our service center is full of customer service professionals, armed with the knowledge and expertise to help. They can offer you guidance, tech support, and even answer questions regarding product placement or product questions.

As well, each Cove Security System ships to you in a box with simple to read diagrams that will show you step by step how to set up the system.

What is the difference between the value plan and the economy plan?

Since Cove doesn’t do contract security, we offer two service plans designed for any budget. For a lot of people, Cove is the first security system they have ever owned. When that is the case, purchasing all of the equipment upfront isn’t always an option. We don’t want that to stand in the way of protecting your home and family which is why Cove has created the Value and Economy Plans.

The Value Plan is designed to charge you for all of the security equipment upfront. Since you would then own the equipment, you are able to pay our lowest rates for monitoring service, pause, reactivate, or cancel service at any time. As well, the value plan has no fees and no additional charges.

The Economy Plan is designed to provide you with $350 or less in security equipment upfront. Any customer that would like to sign up for this plan need only pay the first month’s monitoring. On this plan, you also agree to keep our monitoring service for 36 months and each monthly service fee will include a $10 convenience fee. At the end of the 36 months, Cove will forgive the equipment balance, remove the service fee, and the equipment will be yours to keep.

If a customer at any time would like to pay off their equipment balance early, you can simply call into our service center and make the payment. Likewise, if you need to cancel service before the end of the 36 months, you can call into our service center, pay off the equipment balance, and pause or cancel service.

If you are interested in signing up for services or would like additional information, you can review our service options HERE, or call into our service center and an agent will happily assist you.

Where should I install the Alarm Panel?

Placing the alarm panel in a central location, close to your most frequently accessed door, is the best location. The panel is designed to create a signal that monitors a range of space, like a bubble, that will fill your home. Having it in a central location allows you to see that your home is covered in the most optimal and secure fashion. Sensors that are too far from the panel can lose signal and any loss of supervision can result in a loss of security. Cove wants to ensure that doesn’t happen and the placement of your panel is essential in our ability to help protect your home.

Also, having the panel closer to the door you enter from will make it much easier to disarm/arm every time you need to. Of course, our keyfob remotes and smartphone applications let you arm and disarm the system even without touching it.

What is the average response time for the security alarm?

Cove has partnered exclusively with RapidSOS to provide the fastest response times in the industry. Together our emergency dispatch integration could reduce emergency response times by an estimated 3-4 minutes. Our goal is to get you the help you need when you need it!

What happens when my alarm goes off?

Cove knows how to balance false alarms and true emergencies. Every customer has the option to determine who is the line of command, meaning the customer chooses who is contacted and when. By changing your settings, you can determine if you want us to reach out to you first to verify the danger that your sensors have registered or if you want the police and fire department to be immediately notified.

Our alarm system is structured in a simple step by step process that ensures true efficiency. Once the signal is received that an alarm has been triggered, our monitoring center will follow pre-established contact procedures depending on the type of alarm. The monitoring center is 24/7 and will relay the proper message to the authorities, fire department, or medical assistance responders. You can also select to be contacted first in the case of emergency as a safeguard against false alarms or to provide crucial information.

What is Cove LifeAssist & InstaText?

Cove offers several unique features which are designed to ensure that you get connected with emergency services as fast as possible.

When your smoke detector senses smoke, a door is opened, or your alarm is triggered in some other way you will receive a Cove InstaText to your phone. Instatext is designed to help you connect 10X faster to ensure your local emergency responders can be effective in getting you the help you need. The InstaText feature enables immediate notifications to your cell-phone. No matter where you are, you can respond and see that the proper actions are taken to ensure your family and home’s security.

Cove LifeAssist provides easy and dedicated 2-way communication between you and Cove Security through your alarm panel. This provides you with real-time and on-demand communication leaving you in complete control. This direct channel will help mitigate false alarms and ensure that when needed, the proper responder is sent to help with your specific situation.

LifeAssist works just like a phone call and we are always ready to help no matter the time of day. No matter what, you are only a few quick touches away from getting help for a burglar, fire, or medical issue. The communication directly from the panel saves you time and helps us dispatch emergency services faster than other services may provide.

What is RapidSOS?

Our dedication to providing Fast and Effective home security is met with our exclusive partnership with RapidSOS Emergency Response Data Platform Integration.

What does this mean? By using RapidSOS Availability, Cove is connected to over 4700 911-centers, which cover over 90% of the US population. Additional centers are being added to the network every week to grow and develop our resources and speed capabilities.

This connection allows us to speed up the time in which it takes to pass your information along to your local police, fire department, or emergency medical services. By reducing the time it takes to communicate that you need help, the faster the help can arrive to your home.

Also, any previous frustrations in passing along your precise location and alarm data, important individual household information, as well as life-saving health information, have been mitigated.

What is the likelihood my Cove security system will experience technical difficulties?

No one wants to buy a new piece of technology, especially security equipment, and find that it isn’t working correctly. Cove knows how important it is to provide you with competent and accurate service. In order for us to provide the best service in the industry, our equipment is both tested and designed for accuracy.

The majority of our customers experience an easy, simple, and accurate installation that takes minutes. However, if any difficulties present themselves, our service center is ready to help. This way we can make sure that you get your new security system up and running as quickly as possible so you can finally get that peace of mind you deserve.

Why do other security companies have contracts while Cove does not?

Cove doesn’t push our product with a large sales force, our system doesn’t require technicians to travel and service them, and the products are well refined. As a result, we help our customers by providing them with an affordable service. By removing the unnecessary and expensive factors which contribute to high security service costs, we are able to pass those savings on to our customers; you are our priority.

What are cove’s monitoring plans?

Cove offers a professional-grade security solution that is effective, affordable, flexible, and fair. Our services include payment options that can help you meet your security needs without requiring a long-term contract or extreme cancellation charges. Also, all our systems include a 60-day money-back guarantee so you can try the system with complete peace of mind. If you don’t love it, return it for a full refund.

Cove has two monitoring plans designed to arm you with what you need. This way, you only pay for what your home requires and not all the other stuff traditional security companies tack on that drive up the monthly bill.

The Cove Basic Plan includes:

  • 24/7 Live Alarm Monitoring
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • TrippleTouch Communications
  • Cove InstaText
  • Cove LiveAssist
  • Smash and Grab Protection
  • 100% Cellular connection
  • Hourly Automated System Checks
  • 24 Hour Battery Backup
  • One Year Equipment Warranty

The Cove Plus Plan Includes

  • 24/7 Live Alarm Monitoring
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • TrippleTouch Communications
  • Cove InstaText
  • Cove LiveAssist
  • Smash and Grab Protection
  • 100% Cellular connection
  • Hourly Automated System Checks
  • 24 Hour Battery Backup
  • Lifetime Equipment Warranty
  • Smartphone Control
  • Alexa and Google Home Voice Control
  • $5/Month Equipment Reward
  • Lifetime Monitoring Rate-Lock Guarantee

Also with Cove, there are NO CONTRACTS, and you can cancel anytime.

Our service center is available to offer additional assistance over the phone and you are always welcome to contact us via email for less time sensitive questions.

How does the 60 day money back guarantee work?

We understand that you may have had a poor experience with a previous security company or provider and to assure you that Cove is not only different and easy to use, we provide a 60-day risk-free trial. This goes for every customer! We are certain you will enjoy the increased peace of mind and safety our system will add to your home and family. But if the system and service does not live up to your expectations, you can send it back for a full refund.

Refund within 60 days of purchase:

  • Cove will provide a complete refund for both equipment and services provided, if we are notified no later than sixty (60) days following your date of purchase. Once you have informed our service center that you would like to return the system and cancel the service, we will have you return the products that were originally purchased. For more information regarding the return process, please read our Refund Policy.

Most importantly, Cove wants to see that every customer gets the assistance and security they deserve. We are dedicated to taking care of our customers and if you have any extenuating circumstances, we would be happy to help and do our best to work it out.

Any additional questions and concerns? Feel free to contact us or email our support center.

Is Cove compatible with Alexa, Google Assistant, and other digital assistants?

Cove Security equipment is designed to function with Alexa and Google Assistant. These features are integrated with the Cove Security application which provides you the option to link your google assistant or Alexa device. Once you have linked the device to the app, you can start using them together.

Is Cove’s system completely wireless?

Every Cove Security System is completely wireless except for our indoor cameras, which need to be plugged into a power outlet. All of our devices except for our cameras use cellular signals to report to our monitoring center. This makes the installation simple and easy, removing the need for drilling, running wires, and causing any damage to the home. Because of the wireless design, there also isn’t a need for special tools or a technician for installation. As a result, you can ensure that every part of your home is secure in a fraction of the time and cost.

The control panel, which uses a cellular chip to communicate to our monitoring center, connects to all of your other devices and tracks all of the signals. The sensors signal the panel instantly and will alert either you or dispatch if anything is amiss.

Does Cove offer discounts?

Cove honors our Military, School Teachers, and First Responders. We recognize all the hard work they do and offer security discounts on our products and services. We want to see that you are protected as you help keep our communities safe and improve upon them.

What is the Cove referral program?

Cove offers our customers a free month of service each time a new customer is referred to us. Once your referral signs up for the service and has been active for a full month, you will have a credit applied to your account which will give you a full month of service free.

We love when our customers believe in Cove and our service enough to share it with their family, friends, or neighbors. By working together, we can see that more homes and families are protected day and night.

Do I have to sign a long-term contract?

At Cove there are no long-term contracts required to receive alarm monitoring service. Unlike more traditional security companies and services that require you to sign a 3-6 year contract, Cove provides monitoring for your home on a monthly basis. As a result, you never get stuck with high cancellation fees, or other issues a contract may present if you no longer need the service. Cove delivers the same quality of service at a fraction of the cost to ensure that anyone can afford to be completely secure within their home.